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Three proven ways to make brain sharper

Three Proven Ways to Make Your Brain Sharper

6 January 2022
Mustapha El Hajj
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Your brain is the most important organ in your body, but it can fool you if you are not careful. For example, have you ever experienced difficulties focusing and think
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What is Auto-Generated Content?

2 January 2022
Mustapha El Hajj
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Auto-generated content is programmed content, which is created via coding from a set of pre-defined templates. It is typically used to publish and index many pages in search results pages
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Are You Considering Social Proof in Your Marketing Strategy?

1 January 2022
Mustapha El Hajj
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You’ve probably tried it before. But, unfortunately, you end up on a website that you have not used before, and before you make your purchase, you must first research the
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How to Get Better at Saying No

1 January 2022
Mustapha El Hajj
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  Being interrupted constantly can be very frustrating, especially when you are trying to focus. It can become even more frustrating if you have difficulties saying No. It will steal
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Plan Your Life and Fulfill Your Dreams

1 January 2022
Mustapha El Hajj
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We all have desires. We all dream of what we would really like, but very few people do anything about their dreams. Instead, we kill them with bad excuses. A
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How to Manage an Insecure Employee?

1 January 2022
Mustapha El Hajj
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Having an insecure employee in your team can drain both your and your employees’ energy. Significantly when the employee insecurity slows him down in his tasks, and due to that,
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Do You Want to Be Happier Every Day?

1 January 2022
Mustapha El Hajj
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The biggest regrets on the deathbed are typically about what you haven’t said or done earlier in your life. Australian Bronnie Ware knows this from her job, attending to the
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How to Master Writing Texts on Boring Topics

1 January 2022
Mustapha El Hajj
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If you work with copywriting, communication, or marketing, you have probably come across tasks where you have to make a slightly dry and dull topic. If you have been in
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Therefore, It Feels Right to Hire the Wrong One

1 January 2022
Mustapha El Hajj
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“I have without a doubt chosen the right candidate.” That thought has probably roamed many leaders in hiring rounds or in appointing resource persons. However, research indicates that we are
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Leaders’ 4 Bad Habits and How to Get Rid of Them

1 January 2022
Mustapha El Hajj
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A good leader dares well to turn the mirror towards himself. Because if you do not do it every now and then, then there is a real risk that it
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5 Things Which Surprised Me After I Moved to Denmark

1 January 2022
Mustapha El Hajj
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I was only 18 years old when I moved from Lebanon to Denmark back in 2004 to study Mechatronics engineering. Now 17 years after, I would like to share with
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Are You a Leader? Why Should We Follow You?

1 January 2022
Mustapha El Hajj
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Are You a Leader? Why Should Anyone Follow You? Does anyone think that the soccer team captain or the coach of the team is placed and kept in their position
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